AUBURN, Ala. – Another school year means another Auburn gymnastics season! And as we prepare to launch the 2024 season in January, it is time to get to know the 10 new additions to the squad. The next step is the first year Emma Grace Boyd!
Hometown: Windermere, Florida
Club: Orlando Metro
Before Auburn: Qualified for the 2021 and 2023 Level 10 Developmental Program National Championship…2021 State and Regional Champion on Bars and Beam…Top five on Bars, Beam and All-Around at the 2023 State Championship.
Q: Why Auburn?
A: “I grew up loving Auburn and it has always been a big part of my life. As a little girl, wearing cheerleading uniforms to football games and, thankfully, now wearing an Auburn lion, I knew this was where I belonged and the place I would always feel at home. The unconditional support, love and kindness make it a place like no other. I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else and I am forever blessed to be a part of the Auburn family!”
Q: What is your specialty and why did you choose it?
A: “I chose biosystems engineering as a specialty because I have always found an interest in the environment. I want to be part of the mission to sustain our resources and help have a positive impact on the world!
Q: What do you hope to do once you finish school?
A: “I hope to use my education at Auburn to find a job I love and be able to positively impact the path God is taking me after college! I would also like to travel in my free time!
Q: What is your favorite thing about your hometown, what makes it unique?
A: “My favorite thing about my hometown, Windermere, Florida, is the charming lakeside town, surrounded by tall oak trees, dirt roads, and small stores along the main street that give it that feel small town! »
Q: What is a typical day like in your life at Auburn?
A: “Wake up, have breakfast, go to class, have coffee, study, eat lunch, go to training, rehab and recovery, have dinner at Wellness and finish your homework!” I also like to watch Gossip Girl every night to go back in time. down.”
Q: What is your favorite event and why?
A: “My favorite event is beam. I love being able to perform difficult skills while executing them gracefully. Beam has a unique and personal aspect that allows me to express myself through my gymnastics.”
Q: What are you most looking forward to here at Auburn?
A: “Being a part of the Auburn gymnastics team is a dream come true, so of course, competing at Neville Arena surrounded by the Auburn family is what I’m most excited about here at Auburn!”
Q: How did you get into gymnastics?
A: “When I was little, I was always flipping around the house, doing a handstand in the hallway, or doing cartwheels and back flips in the yard. My parents put me in my first gymnastics class when I was 2 years old. , and since then, I have been in love with this sport! »
Q: What is your ritual before the meeting?
A: “I like to eat a Subway turkey and cheese sub before every competition! »
Q: What’s the coolest thing you’ve done in the last year?
A: “Taking a trip to Hawaii and seeing all the beautiful scenery is the coolest thing I’ve done in the past year! »
Q: What’s at the top of your to-do list?
A: “Visiting Greece is at the top of my bucket list! »
Q: What fashion trend do you hope never comes back?
A: “Shell necklaces.”
Q: If you were in a zombie apocalypse, which person on the team would you want with you?
A: “Sophie Greves“.