As more people move online and wars drive displacement, human traffickers are turning to social media and dating sites to identify and lure their potential victims, according to Sister Adina Bălan, representative European “Talitha Kum”.
By Sister Nina Benedikta Krapić, VMZ
Although many have only a vague idea of human trafficking and generally view it as a form of “distant suffering,” in reality this scourge is very close to each of us. In reality, human trafficking is more prevalent than ever.
Human traffickers take advantage of new technologies, wars, conflicts, political instability and migration to attract their victims.
In an interview with Vatican News, Sister Adina Bălan, European representative of Talitha Kum, an international initiative of nuns fighting against human trafficking and exploitation, described the new methods used by human traffickers, in particularly in the digital domain.
“Human trafficking is a pervasive global problem that transcends borders and affects both developed and developing countries,” Sister Bălan said.
Vulnerable people, prey to traffickers
Sister Bălan explained that human traffickers prey on vulnerable people, particularly women, children, migrants, refugees, people with disabilities and people living in poverty or in marginalized communities.
Modern slavery to which its victims are victims ranges from sexual exploitation, forced marriage and forced labor, to child soldier labor, organ trafficking and domestic servitude.
Regions at risk
Some regions, such as some countries in Eastern Europe, are at high risk of human trafficking, Sister Bălan warns.
“Italy and Greece serve as transit countries for traffickers who bring victims from Africa, the Middle East or other parts of Europe. Additionally, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway are important destinations for human trafficking. »
Online human trafficking
Human traffickers still use “classic” forms of recruitment, such as in-person recruitment or targeting victims through their families and loved ones.
However, with the rise of online platforms, human traffickers have more channels to advertise and ultimately exploit their victims, particularly women and young people who spend much of their time on social networks.
Sister Bălan pointed out that restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic played a significant role in online human trafficking, as “many people were alone, feeling alone, young people were looking for adventurous activities.”
She warned that a particularly vicious method used by traffickers for sexual exploitation is the “Loverboy method”.
“The attackers, known as “Loverboys,” target women by luring them into romantic relationships. They use charm, affection and promises of love to gain the trust and dependence of their victims,” explained Sister Bălan.
Abusers target their victims’ dreams, such as starting a family, leaving home, or traveling abroad. They make promises and use those same dreams against the victim.
Once the relationship is initiated, the abuser suggests sexual activities to earn easy money online and promises that they will then spend it together.
Video chat is increasing
Video chat is a channel that human traffickers often use to good effect to recruit their victims.
Statistics show that the phenomenon of using video chat is increasing. Sister Bălan said that in Romania alone, more than 2 million people participate in video chats.
The question is: “how many of these people are exploited and how much do they earn from their online activities?” »
Sister Bălan shared her suspicions that it is a high leverage of 80%, not only in Romania but also in other countries.
“We see many cases of children, young girls being raped and people paying to see these acts online,” she said.
Among potential solutions to this problem, experts recommend a stronger response from law enforcement agencies tasked with identifying online crimes.
Forced labor
Human trafficking has many faces today. Forced labor is one of the most common.
One of the existing misconceptions about forced labor is that victims are exploited in isolated circumstances.
“Victims can work together in the same unit with people who are not exploited,” Sister Bălan said.
She shared an example of labor exploitation in a factory where victims of human trafficking were working with other co-workers who noticed something was wrong.
“We had situations where three or four people were victims of labor trafficking, brought by someone in the morning by car and picked up in the evening by car. They never had their own money or a decent lunch.
Additionally, some migrants from the Middle East, Africa and Asia who use the “Balkan route” to reach Western European countries are exploited during transit.
“Traffickers take advantage of desperate circumstances and lack of protection, subjecting vulnerable individuals to various forms of exploitation, including human trafficking,” Sister Bălan said.
She called for the creation of safe migration routes by establishing legal channels for migrants.
Domestic servitude is also another major problem in Europe linked to human trafficking.
“You never see these people take a day off. People who come from the Philippines and who are exploited only come to mass on Sundays. It’s their only day off,” Sister Bălan noted.
Organ trafficking
The most difficult form of human trafficking to identify involves people recruited for organ trafficking.
Sister Bălan explained: “It is particularly thriving in terms of recruiting for kidney removal and offering a thousand euros or five hundred euros to women to be surrogate mothers. We have had striking cases in Ukraine recently.”
Prevention is important
Sister Bălan shared several tips to prevent human trafficking.
“It is crucial to be very wary of advertisements, exploitative websites, instances of online grooming, misleading promises, as well as signs indicating restricted freedom. Suspicious activities should also be reported.”
Raising awareness among parishes, communities and families is very important to address this problem.
“It is crucial not only to obtain information, but also to engage and offer support to survivors,” Sister Bălan said.
She emphasizes that Catholic religious congregations have a crucial role to play in the fight against human trafficking.
Talitha Kum’s mission
Talitha Kum, the international network of nuns fighting human trafficking, is one of the great examples of Catholic nuns in the fight against human trafficking.
Regardless of their order’s charisma, nuns provide survivors with spiritual guidance and care, creating a safe environment to help them recover.
Religious congregations also work with various partners to combat trafficking, including in the areas of education and awareness.
“Catholic religious congregations have the power to have a profound impact in the fight against this serious violation of human dignity,” Sister Bălan concluded. “Together, we can pave the way for a more just and compassionate society. »