New Delhi: Kajol found herself in the spotlight when her comments against Indian leaders went viral on the internet. Kajol finally spoke out after receiving heavy criticism for his comments about “leaders without vision”. The actress pointed out that some political leaders did not have a college degree, which infuriated many people. On the other hand, many people have defended it, saying that education is the key to moving the country forward. On Saturday night, the actress took to Twitter to explain her remark, but did not offer an official apology.
Kajol, speaking to The Quint on women’s empowerment in India, said: “Change, especially in a country like India, is slow. It is very very slow. Because we are steeped in our traditions and thought processes and, of course. , it has to do with education. You have political leaders who have no training in education. I’m sorry but I’m going to come out and say this. I’m run by leaders, many of them, who don’t have that point of view, that education I think gives you at least the ability to seek out a different point of view.
The ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ actress was the victim of a vicious controversy when a video of her interview went viral.
The actress took to Twitter to clarify her comments without directly apologizing. Kajol wrote, “I was just making a point about education and its importance. My intention was not to belittle political leaders, we have great leaders leading the country on the right path.”
Meanwhile, “The Trial,” Kajol’s upcoming series on Disney+ Hotstar, is the official Hindi adaptation of the American legal drama series “The Good Wife,” which aired on CBS for seven seasons between 2009 and 2016.
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